Food Science 20 questions Quiz 1

Quiz 1 will help you revise for the Food Science part of Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE

Use Food Science You Can Eat to help – available mid Sept 2023

1 mark for each question. ½ mark each if there are 2 answers for 1 question.

Total marks out of 20.

Answers on the link at the end of the quiz.

Caramel and Dextrin

  1. Which ingredient is used to make caramel: a) flour, b) eggs, c) sugar?
  2. What happens if you taste caramel when it has just been made?
  3. How can you test the temperature of sugar caramelisation?
  4. Why is caramel used in packets of gravy browning?
  5. Give three examples of how caramel is used in food products.
  6. Which ingredient changes to dextrin: a) sugar, b) milk, c) flour?
  7. Why does toast taste sweet?
  8. When amino acids are heated when food is roasted, what chemical reaction takes place?

Gelatinisation of starch

  1. Which of these is not a starch: a) cornflour, b) eggs, c) wheat flour?
  2. What happens when starch is heated with water?
  3. What happens to the starch in pasta when it cooks?
  4. What happens to potatoes when they cook and soften?

Enzymic browning

  1. Why is lemon juice used to coat fruit when making fruit salad?
  2. What method will not stop fruit and vegetables turning brown a) cooking for a short time, b) chilling, c) freezing?


  1. When eggs begin to cook the protein is a) destroyed, b) denatured, c) deactivated?
  2. With more heat the egg protein a) condenses, b) sets, c) coagulates?
  3. When egg is cooked for too long, water seeps out. What is this process called?
  4. When egg is whisked and holds air, what is formed?
  5. What is the function of eggs when making mayonnaise?
  6. What happens if oil is added too quickly to mayonnaise?

Food Science Quiz 2019

Taken from Food Science You Can Eat

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