Food Investigation – flour for bread NEA 1

What type of flour should you use for bread?

Look at our 2 Youtube videos to give step by step to help carry out a Food Investigation. Food Investigation NEA1 is available on this link.

Bread flour Food Investigation

Bread flour results as evaluation

Task 1: Food investigation (30 marks) to find students’ understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients.

Flours you can use for bread – strong white bread flour, wholemeal bread flour, Unbleached bread flour, very strong white flour, seed and grain flour..

Wheat is rich in gluten, a protein that gives dough its elasticity and strength. When yeast and flour are mixed with liquid and then kneaded or beaten,gluten forms and stretches to create a network that traps the carbon dioxide bubbles produced by the yeast. This gives the bread its texture.

Strong bread flour gives the best results in bread making as it is high in gluten.

Breads made with whole wheat grains and whole wheat flour have a rich flavor as well as a coarse texture and dark brown colour.

Wholemeal flour is made from the whole wheat grain with nothing added or taken away.  It will produce a bread which is more dense than a white loaf.

You can mix wholemeal flour with white flour to give a lighter loaf.

Flour with added grains or seeds  can add texture to the bread and will often give the bread a lovely nutty flavour.

White flour usually contains around 75% of the wheat grain. Most of the bran and wheatgerm have been removed during the milling process. produces a lighter loaf than wholemeal flour.

Wheatgerm – This can be white or brown flour with at least 10% added wheatgerm.

Stoneground  is wholemeal flour ground in a traditional way between two stones.

NEA – Compare the flours used in bread making.

What results do you want?

  • A light, spongy loaf
  • A good crust
  • Good flavour
  • Stretchy dough – high in gluten
  • Well risen dough

For the investigation I am going to use – Strong white flour, Strong wholemeal flour, white self raising flour, white plain flour.


This shows the star profile using the Nutrition Program 


Star profile gluten in bread with evaluation – you need to annotate results.









