Aquafaba – chickpea water

Aquafaba is the liquid you strain off from a can of chickpeas and it’s used by vegans to replace egg in cooking.

Aquafaba is made up of water, protein and starch and the word comes from the Latin aqua – water, and faba – bean. Other beans as well as chickpeas made good aquafaba.

It can be used as a thickener, binder, emulsifier, foaming agent and gelling agent to replace egg.

The aquafaba science website says there is a lot more science to understand how it works.

The nutritional analysis for aquafaba is on The Nutrition Program. Use 3 tablespoons of chickpea water to replace one egg.

Other egg replacers include

  • 1/2 mashed banana
  • flax egg – 1 tbs of flax seed powder + 3 tbs water

Diabetes – what foods to eat

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar in the blood to become too high.

It’s often linked to being overweight or inactive, or having a family history of type 2 diabetes. This NHS website has good information.

A healthy diet and keeping active helps people with diabetes manage their blood sugar level.

This is the diet advice from NHS website

There’s nothing people with type 2 diabetes cannot eat but they have to limit certain foods. They should:

  • eat a wide range of foods – including fruit, vegetables and some starchy foods like pasta
  • keep sugar, fat and salt to a minimum
  • eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day – do not skip meals

If people with diabetes eat foods that are too high in sugar, their blood sugar levels can rise to dangerously high levels. Carbohydrates are broken down into sugar, or glucose, and absorbed into the bloodstream and affect blood sugar levels.

Diabetes UK website has useful healthy living tips.

Weight management is very important and people need to manage portion sizes. Link to The Nutrition Program blog on Portion sizes.

It’s really important to get the portion size right otherwise you can eat too much food and get fat.

Foods to include complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole wheat, oats, fruit, vegetables, beans, and lentils. 

Foods to avoid include processed carbohydrates such as sugar, white pasta, white bread, white flour, and cakes, pastries.

Setting up student accounts on Nutrition Program

How do I set up my students accounts and how do I change them after a year?
Once you have purchased a subscription, first login as the Teacher to manage your users. You see a list of users, with random letters generated by the program. You can change the usernames and all the passwords to make them the same. Each student can be given their own named account, or you can use those on the automatic system. Be aware that we have over 100,000 students registered for the program, so choose passwords that you think are unique.

When you want to change the users, tick to “Clear the account”, which empties it of the work, then type in the new name to replace the account name that you want to change. Finally click Update and the new student has a new account name and a fresh, empty account to work with.You can update a large list of student names using our csv system found on your Teacher login.